6. Alters Sex Motivation and Mood
Research in male rats indicates that ghrelin receptors in the central nervous system affect sexual behavior and motivation. Elevated levels of ghrelin, for instance, can boost sexual motivation. Research with GHRP-6 and a modified GHRP-6 designed to antagonize the ghrelin receptor has indicated that ghrelin receptors in specific brain regions help to modulate sex behavior and reward-seeking behavior
[10]. These findings are not only applicable to sex and conditions like hypoactive sexual desire disorder, but may also be applicable to hunger and other types of motivation.
There is also evidence to suggest that ghrelin may impact mood as part of its effect on motivation. Research in mice indicates that GHRP-6 and other ghrelin receptor agonists can decrease depression and improve function in parts of the brain associated with mood, particularly in the setting of stress
[11]. GHRP-6 could form the basis for research into potential novel treatments for stress, anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders.
GHRP-6 exhibits minimal to moderate side effects, low oral and excellent subcutaneous bioavailability in mice. Per kg dosage in mice does not scale to humans. GHRP-6 for sale at Peptide Sciences is limited to educational and scientific research only, not for human consumption. Only buy GHRP-6 if you are a licensed researcher.